REVIEW: Make Pretend: The Complete Short Fiction of Armand Rosamilia, Volume 1

Author: Armand Rosamilia
Publishing Company: Rymfire Books
Publication Date: 21 November 2020
Pages: 203
Genre: Short Stories

Make Pretend is the first book in a series collecting all of Armand Rosamilia’s short fiction.

Twenty-one tales ranging from horror to crime thriller to science fiction, contemporary fiction to fantasy, and more. From stories a few days ago to one forty years old.

Some stories you might’ve read in previous collections or anthologies. Maybe on the author’s Patreon. Many more never before read. Written for this and the future collections. 

Make pretend these stories aren’t real, aren’t fact, and aren’t exposing the best and worst of humanity… 

I am always impressed with the writings of the talented Armand Rosamilia, so when this book was offered to me for review, there was no option, as far as I was concerned, but to say yes.

As usual, I was not disappointed.

Armand’s Forward reveals a lot about him, as does the blips he has to say about some of the stories in the collection (I honestly think that every author who does a short story collection SHOULD have little blips talking about the story behind the story, or when it was written, why it was written, etc). Though he warns us that he picked out some good, as well as some bad, to show not only his range, but how much he’s grown, I can honestly say that there was not a single story in this collection that I did not enjoy. The only negative I can give you about this particular collection is that, when I came to the end of the last story, there were no more stories or me to read.

If you have not experienced an Armand Rosamilia book, I would definitely suggest this collection as a starter. He has such an amazing imagination, and the execution of his stories leave me satisfied while wanting more. I can’t wait for the next installment.